Monday, April 23, 2007

The Philosoper

Thread of Life
The entrance of life into this world is truly a magnificent happening that is mystic but truly real. The beginning starts at a point that is not understood. Some say life beginning began as in physical cosmology, the Big Bang a theory that the universe emerged from a tremendously dense and hot state about 13.7 billion years ago, and life beginning begin to evolve at the moment of the Big Bang and the development of life arose spontaneously by natural processes, and rapidly. But, still there are others who say life could not have evolved from chemicals on this earth, and there are some who say life was born from simple chemicals which became concentrated in ancient oceans forming an organic broth which eventually produced living cells. Still, there are others who say that light traveling through a mixture of gases forms amio acids, which then became concentrated in an organic soup which link together to form the first living cell. This has been shown to be not true. First, no proteins will form outde of a cell. The evidence indicates that the information within DNA was put there by a creator who is so intelligent that we should listen to everything he has to say. In order for a cell to live it must separate itself from the water around it, take food in and expel waste. Further, it must use food to make the energy and materials that the cell needs to do its work, and the working parts that permits the cell to do these things. The cell must contain the information that directs these activities, and it must be able to reproduce itself. Not one of the main ingredients of cells: proteins, cell membranes, DNA, RNA, or information will form in nature except in already living cells. If one part could have formed, it would have broken down while it was waiting for the others to form. Life it seems would have to had came about almost exactly the same time and location, and would have immediately teamed up to form life.
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a nucleic acid that contains the genetic instruction for the devolopment and functioning of living organisms. All living things contain DNA genomes. A possible exception is a group of viruses that have RNA (ribonucleic acid) genomes. The main role of DNA in the cells is the long-term storage of information. The genome is often compared to a set of blueprints, because it contains the information and instructions to contruct other components of the cell, such as proteins and RNA molecules. The DNA segments that carry this genetic information is called Genes. But, other DNA sequences have structual porposes, or are involved in regulating the expression of genetic information. DNA is a long ploymer. The major function of DNA is to decode the sequence of amino acid residues in protiens, using the gentic code. To read the gentic code, cells make a copy of a stretch of DNA in the nucleic acid RNA.
The basic elements of the foundation of life are that there is no death in the DNA replication process, and there is no new life created during the replication process. All living DNA today has been alive since the first life, and all the cells in the human body contain the same life, so it can be said that there is only one life and it is shared by all living things. Therefore, a philosophy that satisfies the needs of the human must also include all other life. Mutations do not alter the fact that the same life is carried forward when DNA replicates, even though the form of the resulting organism has changed. If a man-made machine forms a new string of DNA which is a direct copy of an existing living form and it lives it is the same life that dwells within this new string as the DNA which has been copied. The human’s concept of the human, and its position in the universe, is basic to all cultural though. It is not that the human needs to take care of all other life as a moral obligation, though that is true, it is that the human is a small part of life, but one which possesses a characteric (intelligence) which is valuable to the survival and well being of all life. It was life which developed that intelligence, not the human, therefore its service is for all not merely the human. The human is, in that sense, a servant to life, a caretaker in the service of life, the good shephard for all life. The human is a vessel for DNA and exist only for its keeping. Hence, life comes from a single source. Light traveling through a mixture of gases forms amio acid, which then became concentrated in an organic soup and link together to form the first living cell is and has been shown to be not true. First, no proteins will form outside of a cell. The evidence indicates that the information in DNA was put there by a creator who is so intelligent that we should listen to everything he has to say. In order for a cell to live it must separate itself from the water around it, take food in and expel waste. Further, it must use food to make the energy and materials that the cell needs to do its work, and the working parts that permits the cell to do these things. Further, the cell must contain the information that directs these activities, and it must be able to reproduce itself. Not one of the main ingredients of cells: proteins, cell membranes, DNA, RNA, or information will form in nature except in already living cells. If one part could have formed, it would have broken down while it was waiting for the others. To conclude, life came about almost exactly the same time and location, and would have immediately teamed up to form life.
Science is the search for truth and the soul (spirit) one that is unique with you, one that reflects and guides you, one which is your responsibility. It delicate silken fabic may some day be measursed, but its spirit will never be explained.
Mathematics cannot be reduced to logic in the exploration of the logical consequences of assumptions. Mathematical structure of a physical theory often points the way to further advances in that theory, and even to empircal predictions, is not a coincidence, but must reflect some larger and deeper truth about both mathematics and physics. Mathematical concepts have applicability far beyond the context in which they were originally developed. The enormous usefulness of mathematics in the natural sciences is something bordering on the mysterious and that there is no rational explantion for it. The appropriateness of the language of mathematics for the formulation of the laws of physics is a wonderful gift which we as humans either understand or deserve. To assert that the world can be explained via mathematics amounts to an act of faith. As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain, and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality. Mathematics is a group of sciences dealing with quantities, magnitudes, and forms, and their relationship, qualities, by the use of numbers and symbols. The laws of mathematics refer to reality, which they are not certain norms, laws as far as they are certain, do not refer to reality true as protocols. In the appropriateness of the language of mathematics austere informs. One speaking for the formulation of the laws of physics in math schools. Flowers in nature an assert that the world can be perfectly transformed.

The microcosm is an exact replica of the macrocosm. The same patterns reproduced in all levels of the cosmos. Traits appear in entities of many different sizes, from one form that makes the whole of the entire cosmos. A small group of entities whose behavior is typical of a larger entity encompassing it. A macrocosm an entity made of smaller compounds, and is the essence of God the Creator and the dynamic force of the creative energy that was sent out as a sound vibration into the abyss of space and time at the dawn of universe’s manifestation, and is being sent forth through the ages, framing all things that constitute and inhabit the universe. Microcoam acts as a unit, the parts act for the sake of the whole. Wherefore, mankind is the mirocosm of the universe and the universe is a microcosm of the cosmos, and the cosmos is a macrocosm of all things to compose the Creator whom we humans call God.

The state or fact of knowing and knowledge made up of an orderly system of gotten by means of observation, study, and experimentation, and a branch of such knowledge the science of mathematics and the organized knowledge of nature. The scientific method attempts to explain the complexities of nature, and to use these explanations to make predictions. It provides a process to find solutions to problems in the scientific fields. Science attempts to understand the nature and justification of scientific knowledge and its ethical implications. Mathematics is essential to most of the sciences. An important function of matematics in science is the role it plays in the expression of scientific models. Science in the broadest sense refer to any system of objective knowledge, based on scientific methods, covering the fields of the natural sciences and the social sciences. Philosophers of science argue for the objectivity of scientific absolutism, while rejecting the empirist tradition of single ethodology of scientific inquire. Natural sciences, which study natural phenomena, including biological life are the empirical sciences, based on the scientific method, The purpose of science is to find laws, or theories, that explain the nature of the universe we observe. No theory , however, must be considered as final, or absolute. Scientific theores are first to give birth and later may die from the scientific method. Every "law" of nature is subject to change, refinement, and rejection, based on new observation. However, there are concerns, such as moral, religious, aesthetic, economic, and political, which can be just as or even more important than the scientific concerns. Some important question, such as : does God exist, have very little basis in tradditional scientic methods. Also the string theory may replace the relativity theory and provide a unified theory of everything,. It has not yet met the true test of science, and pushing the boundaries of hunan knowledge and between science and art. Experimental results must be interpreted using concepts which, are themselves subject to change. There seems to be no room for creativity or faith, as some have proclaimed.
There is a theory called the Big Bang Theory concerning the origin of the universe when there was a gigantic explosion which put the universe in to motion expanding out from a single point in the comos in all directions at a constant velocity sending matter hurling and expanding away from each other. Today, microwave signals from space indicates constant background signal coming from all points in space. This type of signal is consistent with the radiation emitted by an object which was at a temperature of about 2.7 K. This background signal is thought to be nearly uniform in intensity across the cosmos. Such background radiation is present in the universe today, some 12 or so billion years after the initial explosion. Most of the matter in the universe are the three lightest elements: hydrogen, helium, and lithium. These elements were present during the initial formation of the universe, with the heavier elements being later formed in massive stars. There are some who predict that there is sufficient matter in the universe, gravitational forces will halt the expanding universe, and eventually the universe will start to collapse, and return to the exact singular point where it was set into motion. However, if there is insufficient matter, the universe will keep expanding and will eventually cool off completely and die a slow heat death.
The universe as a scale lying between the two extremes: form without matter is on one end, and matter without a form is on the other end. Everything in nature has its end and function, and nothing is without its purposes. There is evidences of design and rational plan in the fudamental notions of motion, space, and time. Space is not void, so to empty space is an impossibility. Space is defined as the limit of the surrounding body towards what is surrounded. Time is defined as the measure of motion in regard to what is earlier and later, it depends for its existence upon motion. If there where no change in the universe there would be no time. Therefore, space and time are potentially divisible, but are not actually so divided.
How many atoms are in the universe? This is something to comtemplate and converse. When was the beginning of time? This is something that has not yet been defined. How was the universe brought into being? This some are saying that they are now seeing. But this of course is looking into the unknown. The theories and explanations have been sown, but only in faith in a Creator does one find the true answers to life’s journey though space, time, and beyond.
The soul is the inner essence of each living human being. The soul some say is immortal and to have existed before the incarnation of the body. Opinion vary to what happens to the soul after the death of the body. There are some
who say that the soul has no life, when it departs from the body, it resides in hell with no hope of returning to a body. The soul to many is considered as the essence of a being, that decides how we behave, and the essence as an incorporeal eternal occupant of our being. So when the body dies the soul is continually reborn in subsequent bodies. The soul as the core essence of a being but do not have a separate existence, and is the "first activity" of the body, and so the soul has no separable immortal essence. Still others believe that the soul is a sign of God, and the soul of mankind is the sun by which a body is illumined and from which it draws its sustenance. And further, that the soul continues to live after the physical death of the body, and is immortal and will continue its progress until it is attained by God. And still further, others say that there is a self, however only a temporary one illustrated by experience, therefore, not the true nature.
Most christians say that when a person dies that person soul will be judged by God, who sees all the wrong and right a person has done in its life, and if that person repents of its sins it will inherit eternal life in heaven and will enjoy fellowship with God. And if not repented of this person sins that person will go to hell and suffer eternal torment and separation from God. Most christians say the soul as the essence of a human, the seat of human will, understanding, and personality. That at death God judges the soul and either reward or punish the soul. Many christains say that the soul is created directly by God, either at the moment of conception, or some time later. Still others say the soul is the innermost aspect of man and is in the image of God, and that the soul signifies the spiritual princple in man. And that when the body dies so does the soul. But most christians say that the body and soul are separate entities.
Most of the contemporary cosmologists say that the universe had a beginning and that the "Big Bang" is the origin of the universe, but this is only the origin of the known universe. The "First Cause" or " Cosmological arguments, together with other arguments appeal to those that think that we should rely on reason and special revelation to shape ones beliefs about the existence or non-existence of a creator or designer god. Most religious consevatives, philosophers, and theologians now regard these "First Cause" or cosmological arguments as unsound for the following seven reasons:
1. The scientific laws that describe the spatio-temporal universe show that everything has a cause.
2. Therefore, the spatio-temporal universe must have a cause.
3. Call this cause the creator.
4. The creator, as a transcendent being is not an entity within the spatio-temporal universe.
5. So therefore, the creator is not subject to the causal laws that govern the spatio-temporal universe.
6. That being true the creator, does not have a cause.
7. Wherefore, it can be said that God has no creator.
Some say God is the first of all substances, the neccessary first source of movement who is unmoved. God is a being with everlasting life, and perfect blessedness, engaged in never-ending contemplation. The soul is the perfect expression or realization of a natural body, and the truth of the body the substance in which only the body conditions gain their real meaning.
The descriptions of God from the Bible states that he is a spirit, and not a person but a spiritual entity which exist out side of the three-dimmensional physical world in which we live. The Bible further supports this concept of God in the following passages:
"am I a God at hand, saith the Lord, and not a God afar off?....Do not I fill heaven and earth? saith the Lord".
"But who is able to build a house, seeing the heaven and heaven of heaven cannot contain Him"?....
God is described in the Bible as being outside space and time, consider these passages from the Bible:
"But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day".
"For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night".
"But thou art the same, and thy years shall have no end".
..."It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put His power".
God is a being, unlimited in time, and exists outside of time and space, and was not created. God began the Beginning! As it is in the statement in the Bible the book of Genesis: "I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last". And further, God created time and space and therefore He exist outside of time and space and hence, was not created. So if time ends, all matter and all mankind will enter eternity-a timeless condition free of the negative things that time brings upon us now. Wherefore, as stated in the Bible: "And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain; for the former things are passed away".
Scientific research is based on the idea everything that happens is determined by laws of nature, and actions of people. Therefore, to believe that events can be influenced by a pray, or wish addressed to a supernatural being may or may not be true. It must be admitted that our actual knowledge of these laws is imperfect, incomplete, and fragmented, so that, actually, the belief in the existence and embracing laws in nature surely rest on faith. This faith has been justified so far by the success of scientific research. But, almost everyone who seriously involved in the the sciences are convinced that a spirit is present in the laws of the universe, a spirit way superior to that of man, and we all with our modest powers must feel humble. This way the pursuit of science leads to religious feelings in a way which is quite different from the religiosity of someone more naive. But those who seriously pursuit of science are convinced that a spirit is in the laws of the universe, one that is vastly superior to that of man and all should be humble. The pursue of science leads to a religious feeling that are unique and special and is quite different from the religiosity of others. This misunderstanding comes from faulty translations particular the word "mystical". Nature a purpose or goal or anything that could be understood as the practice of thinking of gods, animals, or certain inanimate thing as having human form or characteristics. Nature is a magnificent structure that we only understand rather imperfectly, that fill a person with a feeling of humility. This is a feeling that has nothing to do with mysticism. To find a purpose of life of an individual and of mankind as a whole there is no reasonable answer if question is asked this way. In such cases the goal of an action and the fullfillment of desires of the individuals which constitute a society. It is how very reasonable and quite important to ask ourselves how we should conduct our lives. The answer of course is the satisfaction and needs of all, as for as this can be achieved in harmony and beauty of human relationships. It is therefore understandable that the Greeks and Oriental sages than in our schools and universities today. The mystical tendency of our time , some have said no me shows itself basically in the rampent growth of Theosophy and Spiritualism, is weakness and confusion.
Since our inner experiences consist of reproduction and combinations of sensory impression, the concept of a soul without a body is empty and devoid of meaning in the real world, not the spirit world. I cannot concieve of a God who would directly influnce the actions of an individual, or sit in judgment on a being of his own creation. My religion has a great admination of the superior spirit that does reveal that our failing as humans to understand and comprehend reality. Morality is of high importance to us, but not to God. People see in morality a purely human matter, the most important in the human sphere.
Who knows how many millions of innocent men, women, and children, since the introduction of christianity, have been tortured, fined, and imprisoned, yet we have not advanced one iota toward uniformity, and any power confided to one, will be exerted in opposition to their schemes. And many believe right, that eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the minds of men. But this is all they have to fear from one in many opinions. Religion is a matter which lies solely between man and his God, and he/she owes no account to none other for his faith or his worship as building of a wall between a church and a state.
There is a place for good common sense when one endeavors to obtain knowledge or to understand reality, common sense is a common natural understanding. Beliefs or propositions that are to be considered would in most people experiences be prudent and of sound judgment without dependence upon esoteric knowledge or study or research, but based upon what is believed to be knowledge held by people in common. The knowledge and experience most people have, or are believed to have by the person using the term. Principles of common sense are believed universally, with the apparent exceptions of some philosophers and the insane. Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by becoming of age. Common sense is sometimes wrong, like, "common sense is the sense that tells one the earth is flat". Or one could say: " If it is called common sense why do so few people have it". Nothing astonishes one so much as common sense and plain dealing.... Therefore, one can say that common sense is not so common.
One doesn’t have to be a smart or superior person to believe in God, or to be versed in the books of the Bible, which are all written in ancient times and in different locations by different authors. God is personal deep within ones soul, and if God does speak to and individual it comes to that person via his soul. How one relates to one’s God is another matter and common sense tells one that one can’t even imagine what another soul communicates or relates to one’s God. There is a God and He is with one through one’s soul, and one doesn’t have to subcribe to the notion that one has to believe in the Bible which was written by men in ancient time and translated so many times by others to have a God and worship Him as He directs one through one’s soul.
From all over the vastness of time and space a greater power controls the infinity of eternity. Both man and woman seems to be striving to have a close honest examination of one’s true feelings and motives. Some of them trying to hide whats truly there within. Through the eyes of history this has always been true. Nature’s sounds so pleasing down to the bottom of one’s soul. The sensory world that is the reality of human experience is only a shadow of a higher realm of perfection. The luminous brightness of the sun is only a corporeal display of the forms of brightness true reflection. Forms are immortal things, unchanging, perfect quintessence, and have no reason to change or evolve direction. The material world is not the real world, but a shadow of the real world and are as such arche-type and abstract. There is a form for every corresponding type of object in reality including God who is in the form of perfect good and truth and compose all of what is. When people die their souls achieve reunion with these forms. Forms represent the essence of object and are separate from our own world and the true basis of reality. All forms are the most pure things and true knowledge is the ability to grasp the world of forms within the mind and soul of each human being.
All things are related each to the other, and have to do with each in a relative manner not necessary absolutely. All values or judgment are relative and different according to circumstances and object of fact. The condition or fact of being relative rather than absolute in the nature of physic as the velocity of light’s constant, the mass of a body in motion varies with its velocity, matter and energy are equivalent, and space and time are interdependent an form a four-dimensional continum which corresponds to and is in proportion to each other. A belief in superhuman power to be obeyed and worshiped as divine is
what religion is all about. The creator of the universe expression of this belief as a specific system of belief and worship often involving ethics. People concerned with religious books and belonging to groups align, or a clergyman in a church preaching of heaven’s glory or music being played so lovely honoring the one up above is religion, a belief in a creator divine greater than mankind’s mind or shrines. Anything or an act that is vain, useless, or worthless is vanity. Being vain, or worthless is also the act that shows some futility. People being vain, or overly proud of one’s own self-serving ability or the vanity of a person who lives his life without any or much clarity is living life in vain. Such as the voices of sanity proclaiming their beloved humanity christianty, or the thunderous roar of the words of passivity unlighting animosity. One would hope that people would stop and smell the roses and other lovely flowers blooming in the springtime and to admire the fishermen that net his catch of fish with such passivity orginality. For some vanity is a majority of nobility trying to perfect heartless christianty.
Vices are sometimes only virtues carried to excess. As an evil or wicked action, habit, or characteristic carried out to decry good. Virtues is its own reward and to make a virtue of necessity to do what has to be done as if one really wanted to do it. Our pleasures in this world are always to be paid for and all of one’s deeds always carry some consequences. Do not do and immoral thing for a moral reason. Whereas, in this world evil is not and absolute, and good is often an occasion more than a condition. Good always ends in happiest, and evil always brings sadness and sorrow. This is what fiction means, that good always wins in the eternal world of space and time as God has decreed.
Up in the heaven clouds of white beauty rolling slowly by. They often times tell a story of things to come in the sweet bye and bye. There are, at first, scattered white clouds and blue canvas in the sky. Then comes warnings of things to come, as the wind and clouds floats by, bringing forth a picture of black , dark, and gloomly clouds upon the far and wide. The stroms quickly approch with wind, rain, and lightning lighting up the skies from all sides, causing me to become fill with fear, as the winds and clouds collide. There is a meaning to all of this as the rain stroms so slowly dies. The skies once more become clear, and the birds and yes, planes begin to fly. In wonder, nature’s life cycle being played out right before one’s eyes. From all over the vastness of time and space a greater power controls the infinity of eternity. Man and woman striving to have a close honest examination of one’s true feelings and motives. Some trying to hide whats truly there within. Through the eyes of history this has always been true. Nature’s sounds so pleasing down to the bottom of one’s soul. The pretty flowers in God’s green valley floor, ocean’s door giving off scents of nature’s foods a plenty. Nature’s springs, creeks, and rivers giving off heaven’s dew. But to wonder is to plunder, while living begins in wonder. Wonderful feelings and true motives are eternally infinite.
The "old country church" standing so graceful and lovely is just a building to worship and praise God the Father. The Church is the family of the almighty and wonderous God the Father. The Church consisting of all those from every time and place, who are to be united through Jesus Christ in eternal life. The Church bells ringing and beautiful singing coming out of the building built out of a labor of love and affection for the almighty’s name sake, as one witness the answeredprayers prayed to God out of love and faith. The all day singings and fine country cooking shared there by all, as well as eating the delicious grapes in the vineyard out behind the Church, that everyone truely enjoys. The Church, not the building is the pillar and foundation of Truth and Wisdom and christains are kike the crop in the field, to be harvested by him the almighty God in the sweet bye and bye.
Love is a deep and tender affection or attachment or devotion to someone:
Artistically an artist paints a portrait of love with deep and tender affection. With tender loving care the artist portrays a scene of splender and perfection. An artist canvas is filled with forms and colors that portrays a picture that needs no direction. The picture thereon lights a fire of sweet desires that have no objections. Love is a deep and tender affection which implies intense emotions without exception.
Heat giving all on earth their place in the sun. Sunsets of magnificent burst of sunlight between clouds with decorations stiring feelings of love for one, or watching sunbathers taking a bath in warm sunrays while lying on the beach to tan for their lover’s desires and fun. Music playing in the houses of entertaintment enticing the beach-goers to come in and quench their thirst. Thunder in the distant theatening the closing of sunbeams window, bringing on the rains. The beautiful flowers blooming so magnificently under the brillianceof the rising sun. The forest trees and animals as one’s sees, smells, taste, hears, and feels as one travels life’s mystic and spiritual paths under the watchful eye of the illuminated life’s star called the sun. The fruits of labor of the mighty star’s displays brusting out in omni directions and at constant velocies brings the fruits to enjoy the wonderful food upon one’s table, grown under the mighty star’s nourishment rays leaving nothing undone. A glowing feeling as the sunrays do their thing, providing the stuff of life for all the living sorts of things. This brings the thought into the bright light of right and wrong.
How should a person transist through Life? Do we strive for happiness or knowledge? Virtue or the producing the things of style and beauty. If we choose to go down the road of life seeking happiness, will it be our own, or that of all? As an example is it right to be dishonest when it is far a good cause? Can we be true to ourselves living a life full of riches, wealth, and power, while others else where are starving? Are is it proper to wage war when we know that innocent people will surely be killed? Is it wrong to advance science in the name of destroying humans embryo in the pursue of medical research? Do we look to the future and those who will come after us with an understanding of our obligations to those who come after we are gone? Also do we look at other living beings out into the future so their life will be sustained. This is what ethics is all about and how we employ the proper safe gaurds and the good that we all must instill in the present and the past.
Here in the now present looking back at the past there is a notion of wonder to make perfectly clear, the wonderment of the future as time quickly pass. After looking back to the pass in time’s mirror appears the pass tells a story for future to hold any class, for the future is somewhere out there hidden in time’s and motion’s sphree. Pass and present is known by all but future is somewhere unknown in the time warp of space as life string of tread ventures from nowhere to somewhere in the vastness of the comos waiting for the present of God to appear.
Age comes so gently to the folk who take with peacefulness and understanding smiles. Age brings a blessing to the folk who make it a haven after long and weary miles. There is no throb of grief for youth’s spent hours, no sense of loss ere battles are begun. How can there be an ache as life grows shorter, if envy, and bitterness are done? When there are words our memories may treasure, and someone’s smiles still lights the passing day, when old familiar songs drift back at evening, and there is quitness in a place to pray. Why should we wish once more for hectic moments, or seek to feel again a thrill long lost? Age softly creeps in easy carpet slippers to stroke our hair with fingers white as frost. Age comes so pleasantly to folk who wait it in homes where faith has made a glowing flame, where two, who’ve built their lives secure, together, still speak with reverent love each other’s name. When morning sun gives place to evening shadows, when hurts are healed, and there are no more tears, age comes so graciously to folk who feel it, kind benediction on the fleeting years.
Most religions reveal that God designed a plan for life, in Jer. 1:5, God says:
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew before you were born I dedicated you, a prophet to the nations I appointed you".... God created man in his likeness, and is surprisingly, quite Godly. Man has the ability to create, knows right from wrong and is placed far above other being and is the care-taker for them. Man also has a relationship to God, and the ability to recieve the Holy Spirit or God himself. Man is destined for immortality, and accepts Gods plan to subdue the earth and in being one with him. In conclusion, life is too short for drama and petty things, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly, and forgive quickly.
Author: William A. Perry